Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated

Tina Shai
5 min readJan 4, 2022

What is COVID-19? According to Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, coronavirus disease is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-cov-2 virus( COVID). Covid-19 has been stated to affect the senses of smell and taste. Symptoms include sneezing, coughing, and having a fever or body temperature above 100 degrees. “According to the CDC, symptoms of Covid -19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure.” So if you have or are currently experiencing these symptoms, what should you do? Take a covid-19 test. There are 3 types of covid testing options that you can take. There’s the Rapid; where the doctors or physicians put a swab under your nose and you receive the test within 24 hours, PCR; according to Funk & Wagnalls, Polymerase Chain Reaction is “A technique that is used to produce virtually unlimited copies of a segment of Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA, the basic genetic material in cellular organisms and in many kinds of viruses.”, and last but not least the antibodies test. According to the CDC, Antibody or serology tests look for antibodies in your blood that fights the virus that causes COVID-19.

Now that we know a little bit about the virus, and the ways we can detect COVID, we are now gonna dive into how COVID can be spread. According to the CDC, COVID-19 can be transmitted in two ways: The first is through direct physical contact with an infectious person or a contaminated item or surface. The second is through respiratory droplets exhaled by an infectious disease person, whether by coughing, sneezing, breathing, or speaking, the risk is especially high for people in close contact with each other (defined as being within six feet or two meters for fifteen minutes or more within 24 hours.” This is why it is extremely important to wear your mask at all times. Which leads to how to protect you and your loved ones from COVID-19? If you’ve been keeping updated on the news on COVID-19, here in New York City and plenty of cities and states are “Mandating” civilians to get the new and approved COVID 19 vaccine.

Now I know what you’re thinking, I ain’t putting that thing in my body or my children’s bodies, nuh-uh! Or What’s in the vaccine? The vaccine can’t cure COVID? Believe me, there was a point in time where I had questions and doubts about the vaccine. It’s ok to ask questions about this. My theory is that the vaccine is separating us even more. Lot of The past year 2020 has been one of many crazy times we as the human race have had the displeasure of experiencing. Quite one of the messiest years politically, financially, and the worst to take a hit; health. A deadly virus called Covid 19 or SARS had spread from the Wuhan province of China quickly becoming a global pandemic. Nations around the world had lockdowns, lives had been lost, mandatory mask regulations put in place dividing societies. There were scientists and doctors from around the globe that were on networks and platforms who were presenting numerous and different informational knowledge to the public. One in particular known as Dr. Fauci, according to Wikipedia, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a physician-scientist, immunologist. Some of his work includes the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases and as chief medical advisor for President Biden. In this essay, I will be discussing/explaining what is Covid-19/SARS, ways on how to run your business while experiencing this difficult time, and steps/guides on how you and your loved ones can stay healthy, vaccinated or not. Now, before I get started I am in no way affiliated with the government nor am I receiving compensation for writing this essay.

People who have questions aren’t getting the answers and clarity they need to ensure people’s safety, and this is why I am writing this essay. I want to inform individuals about the vaccine and answer the very same questions that I’ve had before. Everyone has the right to think and choose for themselves, it’s written in the Bill Of Rights; first amendment, freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. So to the unvaccinated, I have your back on that. However, To make sure I was healthy earlier on I decided to take the vaccine. Based on personal research that I have conducted, the older generation is what influenced me to take the vaccine. They’ve expressed their take on the vaccine and assured me that taking the vaccine isn’t going to hurt you in the long run. If it wasn’t for Ms. Sydney, I would not be here writing this essay today. After discussing our views on the vaccine, I was able to set up an appointment at my local urgent care. While I was there, I had asked questions similar to the questions you are asking prior to the vaccine being created. My doctor was the one that told me that in the beginning, the information that was given to the people was false and that doctors all around the world had to conduct research of their own. Imagine having the fate of random individuals’ lives in your hands? That would be overwhelming. He also stated that the vaccine was proven to prevent death in the future in case I need to be hospitalized for any Covid related reason. “As of this writing, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have announced that based on preliminary results from these trials, their respective vaccines are roughly 95% at preventing COVID-19.”(The COVID-19 Manhattan Project) After hearing the doctor confirm this theory as fact. I knew I was able to confide in him, including that I was informed about the vaccine and how it can help me in the future. Prior to taking the vaccine, I was ready to take the vaccine. The doctor showed me the vaccine, which was from Pfizer. Immediately I was relieved. I had heard a lot about the other vaccines that are out there and it was then, the reasoning for why I didn’t want to take any vaccine in the first place. After I took the vaccine, he had us wait for about 15 mins just in case we suffered an allergic reaction. 15 mins went by and I felt fine. A slight headache and arm ache, but nothing too serious to where my whole DNA changed.

For those of you who feel the way about the vaccine as I did, like I said before you have the right to your thoughts and opinions. If you feel even after this essay, that you still don’t trust the vaccine, then that’s ok too. Regardless if we are vaccinated or not, we still can catch COVID-19. According to the COVID-19 Manhattan Project, it is very important to wear your mask, stand 6 feet away from each other (Social distance), and continue to get regularly tested. So this way, you will not be keeping only you safe, but the people around you safe as well. Another way you can stay healthy is drinking/eating healthy such as eating fruits and vegetables that give you iron and vitamins in the morning, exercising; whether it’s walking, running, or working out in the gym. Drink lots of water to keep you hydrated and to detox any bad or harmful chemicals in your body. People who are vaccinated can follow this too. Stay healthy and remember to always wear your mask!

