If you have ever felt like this, Clap once! My Letter to Medium.

Tina Shai
2 min readJan 7, 2022
photo taken by the author.

Hello everyone,

If you don’t know who I am, my name is Tina-Shai. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve always dreamed of being an actress. The thought of seeing my name in lights and people knowing/chanting my name was what I lived for. I wanted to know what it’s like to be famous. Now, fast forward 2 years later. I look back at all of the goals that I’ve achieved throughout the years. Writing an album, performing at some amazing venues, and even had one of my songs played on the radio. However, I realized that maybe being all rich and famous isn’t what I want. Have you guys ever felt like you’re not doing enough? Like you could do more or even better, BETTER THAN BETTER! (sigh).

So I decided to create a business, a small business. It’s still in the works. I know that I want to inspire human beings to become their own bosses! How awesome is that right!?!However, running a business on your own is very difficult. It’s hard putting yourself out there and I commend every person who has started or already has a successful business. Sometimes, I think about that little girl that wanted it all, wanting to be famous.



Writer, Business Owner of Ashai Inc. Notary and Talent, Singer/songwriter.

Wanna see what I do for a living? Click Here to find out.

